Our Urban Village, a Vancouver Cohousing Community

Happier together

Our Urban Village is proud and excited to be a future part of the pioneering research project Happy Neighbours: Promoting affordability and social wellbeing through multi-unit housing design and programming actions. Happy City will assess the impact of the design on residents’ sociability, sense of belonging, social trust, perceived health and level of engagement before …

Read more Happier together

4 Great reasons to live in a multigenerational community

From the beginning, we wanted a multigenerational cohousing community, even though our founding members were in their 50s and 60s. They didn’t have anything against folks their age, but they thought living with diverse ages might be more enriching and a whole lot of fun. Some communities cater to one demographic. One exclusively family-oriented group …

Read more 4 Great reasons to live in a multigenerational community

The rise of urban cohousing

For over four decades, over 90% of cohousing communities were in rural and suburban settings. But in the last ten years, more and more cohousing projects are being launched in cities, sometimes even in ultra-urban downtown cores. How did urban cohousing become part of the mix? In the beginning it was rural, all the way …

Read more The rise of urban cohousing

It takes a community. How BC’s cohousing communities support each other.

OUV is in our final sprint, breaking ground in just a few months.  This article is a thank you note to the cohousing communities in British Columbia.  Without you, we would not be here today. It’s likely that cohousers everywhere share their experiences with new communities.  I have a feeling, though, that BC’s communities have …

Read more It takes a community. How BC’s cohousing communities support each other.