Our Urban Village, a Vancouver Cohousing Community

Main Street “co-housing light” project aims to bring residents together

A unique housing project dubbed “co-housing light” is proposed for the corner of Main Street and Ontario Place, between East 41st and 42nd avenues. Tomo House will have 12 residential units, four of which will be “affordable ownership” units, as well as nine parking spaces and 15 bicycle parking stalls. The project aims to bring …

Read more Main Street “co-housing light” project aims to bring residents together

Making connections

Seeking a stronger sense of community, 10 Vancouver families are working on plans for an ‘urban village’ project that will be much more than just another condo James Chamberlain and his partner live in a perfectly nice triplex near Vancouver General Hospital, a home many people in Vancouver would aspire to. But the lack of connections …

Read more Making connections